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Spray Foam Insulation

Spray Foam Insulation is a new technology that provides a high level of insulation, but takes just minutes to disperse. This has been revolutionary within the insulation industry, as spray foam has been found to be far more effective at keeping in the heat, and out the cold, than its older counterparts such as fibreglass


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Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation

Closed-cell spray foam insulation, as the name suggests, consists of fully closed cells that are densely packed together. The cells are filled with a gas that enhances the foam's insulating properties.


Closed-cell foam is rigid and provides a higher insulation value per inch compared to open-cell foam. It offers excellent moisture resistance and structural reinforcement. Closed-cell spray foam insulation is commonly used in exterior applications, such as roofs, foundations, and exterior walls. Its dense structure and ability to repel water make it suitable for areas exposed to moisture or where structural integrity is crucial. Closed-cell foam also provides added structural integrity to the building it is applied to, making it a favourable choice for factories and agricultural buildings.


Open Cell Spray Foam Insulation

Open-cell spray foam insulation is characterised by its porous structure. The foam cells are not fully closed, allowing air to fill the spaces within the material. This type of insulation is softer and more flexible than closed-cell foam. It has a lower density and a lower R-value, but it excels in sound absorption and is more cost-effective.


Open-cell spray foam insulation is commonly used in interior applications, such as walls, ceilings, and attic floors. Its ability to expand and conform to irregular surfaces makes it ideal for filling cavities and hard-to-reach areas. However, it is not recommended for areas prone to moisture infiltration, as it can absorb and retain water.


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